Sunday, May 23, 2021

Youth beating up the mature one. This is so hot to see.



  1. A youth vs middle-aged match always leads to thoughts of mother daughter vs mother daughter tag team. The scenario here is the young lady’s mom has already worked the older woman’s back with over the knee, prolonged crab, and a nasty camel clutch with a few stomps to the lower back just to make sure the damage is done. The daughter tags into the ring to continue the punishment to the back. They continue tagging in and out as the lady in blue suffers with the continual assaults to her back.

    1. Wowyour post is amazing!! I also think of mother vs daughter when it's young vs mature myself. Hot thoughts for sure.

    2. Yes, the mix of middle age vs young with one tag team dominating the other is especially hot. I see this match as best of 3 falls. The mom in blue finally submits after the pink team dishes out a lot of punishment. The 2nd fall starts with daughter vs daughter. The girl in pink has only one objective - get her opponent in the pink corner. After some give and take, the girl in pink pins her opponent against the turn buckle – the mom pulls her arms over the ropes letting her daughter pummel their opponent turned victim with knees and fists to the mid-section interspersed with verbal taunts. A tag is made and the mom in pink drops to one knee before her young opponent and clamps a 2 handed claw to the young girls already aching stomach.

  2. Beautiful, I love a good stomaxch claw as well.
